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Greg Moore

a man standing next to a bottle of wine

1) Name & position (have you held any other position while working at Legion?)

Greg Moore Taproom Manager SouthPark

2) How long have you’ve been with Legion? 

6 months

3) Where did you work before Legion?

Cajun Queen, Chima, BLT Steak

4) What is your favorite thing about working for Legion?

The environment. 

5) What is your favorite Legion beer (current or old)?


6) What is your favorite food item from Legion? 

Brisket Grilled Cheese and Pho Mi Dip

7) What are your hobbies and interests in your spare time?

Bowling, KanJam, Sports Card Collecting, Watching Cleveland Sports, hanging out with my son

8) Where is your hometown/where did you grow up?

Cleveland, Ohio

9) Tell me about your family! What do your parents do? Do you have a BFF? Any siblings?

Parents are retired and live in Daytona Beach, my younger brother lives in Houston Texas, and I have a 5-year-old son, Ethan

a man wearing a hat and glasses

10) Do you have any pets? What are their names?

No pets

11) What is your favorite thing about the QC?

The weather, and its vicinity to the beach and mountains

12) If you could compare yourself to any dessert, what would you be?

Tiramisu.  Because it's surprisingly delicious.

13) Do you support any local organizations/causes?

Carolina Browns Backers

14) If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you’d buy? What is the craziest thing you’d buy? 

I would make sure my son was set for life.  The craziest thing I would buy is a retirement home in Key West

15) Say you’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?

a man wearing sunglasses and standing next to a body of water

I would start a one man, one elephant circus.

16) What makes you smile? 

Filling out questionnaires

17) What’s your favorite 90s jam? 

Anything of the Weezer Blue Album

18) What’s the last gift you gave to someone? 

A Legion sweatshirt

19) Tell me a random fact 

Red Solo Cups are most bought souvenir by foreign travelers in the US

20) If you could describe yourself as a color, what color would you be? 


21) Use three words to describe yourself

Hard-working, alpha-male, jackhammer.

22) Who do you recommend as our next FOL highlight? 

John Gose