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Alex Myers

a man standing on top of a mountain

1) Name & position (have you held any other position while working at Legion?) 

Alex Myers - Sales Rep

a close up of a tree

2) How long have you’ve been with Legion?  

3 years and 4 months

3) Where did you work before Legion? 

I worked for Enterprise Rent-a-Car  

4) What is your favorite thing about working for Legion? 

The amazing Legion Family

5) What is your favorite Legion beer (current or old)? 

A tough one, but I'm always amped for a few of our seasonals like Naughty by Nectar and Komrade Shokolad. 

6) What is your favorite food item from Legion?  

Definitely the Sixtel Burger, meat or impossible burger. 

 7) What are your hobbies and interests in your spare time? 

Climbing, hanging with the dog and playing disc golf.

 a person standing in front of a large rock

8) Where is your hometown/where did you grow up? 

Raleigh, NC

9) Tell me about your family! What do your parents do? Do you have a BFF? Any siblings? My parents are both retired and living in Asheville now, my BFF would be my lovely wife, Shane, and I have one sibling and we look exactly alike, people call us twins. 

10) Do you have any pets? What are their names? 

Chorri aka Lil Chorrizo, who's the sweetest little pit mix.

11) What is your favorite thing about the QC? 

We moved to Charlotte 7 years ago and were trying to figure out where we wanted to live; we soon found Plaza Midwood and were in love with the accepting nature for everyone in the area, it's definitely our favorite place in all of the QC.

12) If you could compare yourself to any dessert, what would you be? 

chocolate chip cookies, a lot of chocolate chip cookies.

13) Do you support any local organization/causes? 

I donate to the New River Alliance of Climbers in Fayetteville, WV and the NAACP

14) If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you’d buy? What is the craziest thing you’d buy?  

I'd like to think that I'd be very responsible with the money and hire a team of advisors, ultimately I'd love to use that money to build up the community around us and benefit those less fortunate.

15) Say you’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant? 

Hope that I'd won the lottery 

a man standing on a rocky hill

16) What makes you smile?  

humor, joy, gratitude, kindness, cookies

17) What’s your favorite 90s jam?  

hmm. nah.

18) What’s the last gift you gave to someone?  

We sent some beer to our friends in Colorado for their birthdays.

19) Tell me a random fact  

The word Garage actually derives from the latin meaning of "go rage", think about that next time you pop a cold one in your garage.

a group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses

20) If you could describe yourself as a color, what color would you be?  


21) Use three words to describe yourself 

you tell me

22) Who do you recommend as our next FOL highlight?  

Connor Tyo

a group of people sitting posing for the camera